- When people chew with their mouth open. It's not that hard to close your mouth while you eat. I don't wanna see your food, & the sound it makes when their mouth is smacking together like that grosses me out!
- When someone continually calls/texts me when they obviously know I'm busy doing something. I promise whatever it is can wait until I get done with my homework or with whatever else I'm doing at the time. Unless it's really serious, please just leave me alone until I am able to answer you back.
- When someone repeated calls/texts back-to-back after I don't answer the first or second time. If I don't answer then that means there's a reason why I didn't answer the first time you called. Just calm down.
- When someone acts like we are closer friends than we actually are. Please don't call me "sis" if we aren't actually close & act like sisters. I only consider a select few part of the group I can call "sis" & it's a mutual thing. If I don't call you "sis" back or we don't hang out much, then that probably means we're not as close as you think, so please don't call me that.
- When someone doesn't replace the toilet paper after the other people changed it last time. It called sharing teh responsibility. If we change it the past couple of times when it runs out, so should you. Also, if you can see that there isn't any there, you should automatically think to change it. We change it until we run out of rolls, then we expect you to do the same for us.
- Name jokes. I really can't stand when people make "patience" jokes towards me or sing the Guns N Roses song "Patience". I only allow it if we're really good friends & if we're being sassy to each other as a joke.
- When people nag me to do something that is obviously out of my control. For example, I don't have enough time in my schedule to get a job, but I have applied to different places. I can't help if I no one has called me for an interview, it's not that easy. So don't automatically expect that I should have a job by now.
- Comparing me to my mother. If there's one person I cannot stand to be compared to, it's my mom. We don't get along with each other & she's not the type of person you would be proud to be compared to. Let's just say she's had a WHORE-ibble past. This one is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves.
- Over-confident singers. If a person is so cocky & knows that they are a good singer so they sing literally ALL the freaking time, it drives me nuts! The more they sing, the worse they end up sounding. We had a few of these in choir, & let me tell you, you can definitely tell who they are as soon as they walk in the room. It's as if they want you to know as soon as they walk into the room.
- Over-confident people in general. I sadly dated plenty of guys who were all about how "cool" they were, & now looking back it just freaking annoyed me that they only thought about them. They need someone to bring their head back to size (guys & girls alike).
- When people judge someone without knowing them or their background. I'm not talking about the first impressions. I'm talking about when a person is genuinely nice, but maybe they have a gap in their teeth or they may be a little overweight, & people secretly make fun of them for little things that don't matter at all. I always say it's better to have inner beauty than outer beauty.
- When people interrupt you. When a person is speaking, don't be rude & talk while they're trying to get their point across!
- When people randomly say something that has absolutely nothing to do with what you were just talking about. When I say this I mean like if someone says "hey" & the other person responds with "so we went to the zoo today" or "I have a math test tomorrow". I just wanna be like "is that how you greet people. Or if they talk about one subject then switch to a conversation without having a transition into the other conversation or without ending the first conversation.
- When someone always points out your flaws, but get offended if you say anything negative about something they're doing. It's pretty explanitory I think.
That's all I can think of for now, but I'll update this if I remember anymore. Is your list similar to mine? What are some of your pet peeves? Do you like these list blogs? What should I talk about next? Let me know! Have a great week! I'll check in when I can!
Live for God & Love for Music!
-Patience <3 =)