Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How to Do Adult Things

Hey yall! I've been learning this summer how to "adult". Honestly, I still haven't figured it out, & I don't think I ever will. I moved into my first house with my roommate, paid rent, took out a loan, & bought actual groceries. Until this point none of that stuff was even on the radar. It's so freaking hard! How do people do it? I'm only 22, so I know that I'm not even that far into adulthood. But I'm struggling so hardcore to figure out how to do be an adult. They don't give you a book that says, "this is how to be an adult & here's everything that you need." I wish it was like that! I guess I'm having such a hard time because I've had things just given to me all of my life. I mean I did work hard for things, but I've never had to pay for things (like rent or bills) on my own. This is also the first time I've actually lived fully on my own, well I have Felisha but she hasn't lived on her own either. We've lived on campus for 4 years & then at home during summer. It's weird not to live in Harrodsburg for the summer & work at Kroger. Now I'm in Richmond & I work at Kohl's. Super weird! I haven't even fully unpacked, so I'm kinda in East Asia mode & move-out mode. It doesn't feel like it's a permanent thing. I feel as if I'll have to move into a dorm in just a few weeks in a few weeks, but I luckily don't have to worry about that. Also, the fact that I haven't spent much time with my family or dog much this summer is super weird too. My dad has come up a couple of times & my step-mom came up once with him. Other than that, I've only been home for maybe 2 or 3 weeks in total this whole summer. If you read the title of this & expected to get some advice for how to adult, then you came to the wrong place. I think I can shed some light on it though: you'll never completely understand how adulting works, but it's okay because no one expects you to know how to do it.

On the upside, it's not all bad. I have my own room, & I have a place to call home. I can do pretty much whatever to my house & decorate it how I want. I can call Richmond home officially instead of just my college town. I can hang out with my church family & not have to worry if I'll be in town for events or not. I'm able to get more involved with church. I get to relate to other adults on a whole new level. I can walk to the library & check out things all by myself. I can walk to the coffee shop down the street & relax for a few hours. I can check another thing off my bucket list. Thr beginning of this post may have sounded like complaining, but not everything is bad.

Overall, I love living here! There are ups & downs. Sometimes I get stressed & regret my decision, but I wouldn't change where I'm at. I'm glad that me & Felisha made the decision to move out of the dorms. We're gonna finish up our college lives here & it's gonna be a lot of new experiences. I'm lucky to have a best friend/roommate to live with & share experiences. We've been roommates for almost 4 years, & I'm excited that we're taking the next step in our journey together. We're at the same point in our lives that we can help each other out in the good times & the bad. Until the day we either move away or God places guys in our lives to take us in a new direction, we're living life together at our new place for at least the next 2 years. We're teaching each other how to adult, & we're able to learn from the amazing women at church & in Cru how they do it.

Do you have any tips? Can you relate? Let me know your thoughts. Until next time, have a great week!

Live for God & Love for Music!
-Patience <3 =)

Monday, August 3, 2015

"I'm in a New York State of Mind"

Hey yall! Lately I've been thinking a lot about how much I miss New York. If you didn't know, I spent a month in NYC/Brooklyn on a mission trip with Cru. It was one of the best trips ever! I fell in love with New York. I'm actually thinking about going living there sometime after I graduate college.

I always get the same question: "what did you love so much about New York?" Well, there's several reasons why I love it. I love that there's a variety of culture. I love that I can talk to a person from the U.S. then walk 5 ft & talk to a person from France. I love that there's always something to do. I love that I can be in a crowded place but feel that I'm alone at the same time. I love the diverse people I see walking down the street. I love riding the subway & seeing a performance. I love watching a Broadway show on a Saturday for only $30. I love walking through the different parks. I love that I can travel for 30 minutes & still be in the same burrough. I love that I can go to a museum for just a donation. I love that I can watch a movie in the park. I love that I can go to the same restaurant that we have in Kentucky, but it's completely different. I love that I can be whoever I want to be & no one can judge me, because everyone is different there. I love that I can go to a coffee shop & just chill for hours without it being weird. I love that I can walk down the street & run into a random celebrity & hardly anyone freaks out. I love that I can watch a play, & the next day I see actors from that same play eating at a restaurant with their families. I love that I can go to Stardust & see future Broadway stars performing & serving me food. I love that NYU is spread out all over New York City.

The thing that I love the most is............I get to talk about my Jesus freely! I get thousands of responses when I ask someone about who Jesus is to them. It's like being on an overseas mission trip, but I'm still in the U.S. It's cool to get in multiple conversations with people about religion. I hardly do that in Kentucky, & I think it's because I live in the Bible Belt & I know what most people are gonna say.

It's not like any other place. If you had asked me 2 years ago if I would ever move to New York, I would have said you're insane. After being there for a month, I call it another home. I'm almost obsessed with the thought of going back & checking out all my old spots. I wanna go back & see my friends that I met there. I wanna go back to the church we attended while there. I wanna walk down the same streets we walked down. I wanna ride the same subway lines we rode (usually the R Train). I wanna go to my favorite coffee shops. I wanna experience it all!

I know it'll be different when I wanna go back, but I know it'll suck me back in. The song "New York State of Mind" was pretty much written for me. If I could go back now, I would do it in a heartbeat. I love New York! Take me back!

I know I'm right where God wants me to be right now, but I hope someday he'll send me back. For now I have to keep going along with His plan & trust that he'll take me back there when He's ready. I'm just being needy & dreaming big. I can barely pay for rent right now, much less travel to New York for a week. Until that day I'll just dream about what it'll be like to be back in "the city that never sleeps".

But that's all I have for this post. Is there a place that you've been & desperately wanna go back to? Let me know. Until next time, have a fantastic week!

Live for God & Love for Music!
-Patience <3 =)