WARNING: The following post is going to be very controversial. These are my own thoughts and ideas, but I am in no way saying that they are right. Read at your own risk.
Hey yall! So if you're a huge fan of Connor Franta, like me, you'll know that Connor posted a video yesterday about him confessing that he's gay. For me, I way sad for 2 reasons: 1) I'm super attracted to him! (which my roommate pointed out several times yesterday, LOW BLOW!) and 2) According to the Bible, he will not be allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven when he dies (1 Timothy 1:10; 1 Corinthians 6:9), which he said in a video that he is not religious so that wouldn't matter to him. I am still a fan of him no matter what though, and he is still one of my favorite Youtubers. The thing that made me mad was that several people were saying, "this goes against my religion." I don't like that people use that line as a way of saying that they do not support Connor's sexuality. I am not saying that I support it either, but I still love and respect Connor as a human and as a Youtuber. As a Christian, instead of saying that it's against your religion, we should be showing Connor God's love! That's what the Bible tells us to do. Jesus himself hung out with people like Connor all the time. He hung out with the sexually immoral, the tax collectors, the murderers, the idolators, etc. Basically, Jesus didn't just spend time with other Christians. He reached out to sinners and non-Christians and showed them the love of Christ. Christians are meant to hate the sin not the sinner. With comments that are clearing sounding like you are hating on Connor because he confirmed he was gay, that is sending vibes that you don't like him anymore because of one video. In reality, if you actually watch Connor's videos, this news shouldn't come as a shock to anyone (including myself). I think somewhere inside I wanted to make him out to be my dream guy. The perfect guy for me. Deep down though, I knew that we had more in common than I wanted to believe. I don't look at him any less than I did though. I'm sure that when Troye Sivan made his coming out video, people gave him the same reaction too. I love Troye as well, but I'm not gonna look at anyone who is gay any less than I would someone who is straight. I cannot control what they say or do or feel. The only person who is in control of that is God. So, all I can do is love that person the same way that God does, with an endless love. It's like the Bible story of the adultress who was sentenced to be stoned. Jesus said, "Whoever is without sin cast the first stone." Nobody could throw the stone, because nobody is perfect, except Jesus. In this whole debate, Connor being gay is on the same level to God as if I were to lie to someone. Sin is sin, but none of us are perfect. We have no right to judge. I have always lived by the philosophy of, "hate the sin not the sinner." This is one of those times when that reigns true. I'll still continue to love Connor and his videos. He's still one of my favorite people on YouTube. Nothing will change that. I believe that true Christians would feel the same. I have friends who are gay, and I still love them the same as I did before. I will still show them the Gospel, but I can't force them to believe until they let Jesus into their hearts and are willing to change for Him. I can only be the seed that shows them the way. I know that a lot of people may not agree with me, but that's okay. The series that I started on this blog is about getting out my feelings and turning them into blogs. This is one of the many things that has been swirling around in my head this week. In conclusion, remember the words of John 3:16-17: "16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that we might be saved through him."
Live for God & Love for Music!
-Patience <3 =)