Over the past few weeks it seems as if our world has been dealing with so many terrible tragedies. Shootings, bombings, hate, crime, misery, disaster. All of this is showing how worldly our planet he really is. Satan is using all of these things to make us turn against each other, and in some of those cases, even turn away from God. It's so sad! There is some light in the middle of it though. For instance, the Orlando shootings of Christina Grimmie & the gay club inspired people all over the Earth to get the media involved in spreading the love. Granted that also sparked more hate, but it also brought together people who would in any other situation be mortal enemies. People's true intentions came out. In the recent Dallas shootings, we see the issue of racism reappearing in a major way. But in another light, I saw my pastor break down and get passionate about how hurt he is that racism affects his 2 black sons, which he is a white man btw, and it affects his friends who are cops. This, too, sparked the hashtags #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter. In either case, I heard a good point from the lead pastor of Ashland Avenue Baptist Church in Lexington. He said that we should be saying #ProLife, because we should be against taking the life of ANY human being. There are may more issues across the world that have occurred too, but instead of focusing on the negative, I think that we should be looking for ways to spread the love of Jesus to the people going through this. As a Christian, it's super hard to not want to jump in and be extremely angry. Rightly, I am angry, but I've also learned to pray about it and give it to God. He will always point us in the right direction. I know that I can't fix everything, but I can be supportive for someone else who is going through something way worse than I can even fathom. I choose to see how God can use these situations, no matter the outcome. Satan is coming at us hard, and he wants us to be at each others throats and to cause chaos. But what is that gonna do? He uses tragedies to get under our skin, and he wants us to get so passionate that our anger turns to rage and terror. The thing to remember is that God is still Lord, and just as we sang today at church, "Jesus is better." Jesus is better than the murderers. Jesus is better than hate. Jesus is better than crime. Jesus is better! So, I'm choosing to see the Light in the midst of all the darkness in our world. I'm sad to see the Earth in this condition, but all I can do is pray for God to do with it what He sees fit. In all things remember that Jesus is better than anything we could imagine, good or bad. So are you gonna thrive on the negative, or are you gonna give it to God and be there to support those who are hurting? Those are just my opinions. I know some may disagree, and that's okay. As Pastor Jeremy said this morning, "I DON'T CARE!"
Live for God & Love for Music!
- Patience <3 =)