Wednesday, February 14, 2018

The Positive Side to Singleness

    Happy Valentine's Day! As a single woman in my mid-20's, I know that this day can be extremely hard to get through without feeling lonely and sad. But this year, I thought about the good side of it. Just because I don't have a significant other to spend it with, I have roomamates, friends, family, and lots of other people to show love to, including myself. So sit back and enjoy as I try not to be cliche with the whole "you don't need a Valentine to be happy" post. I'll try not to make it cringy.

Positive Things About Being Single This Valentine's Day:

1) You don't have to buy anyone else anything.

         If you're like me, money is a little tight around this time. Rent was just recently paid. More bills still have to be paid. The month is shorter, which means that you're gonna have to do this again in a few weeks anyways. Instead of spending your money on someone else, save your money. Or the better option, buy yourself some discounted stuff on the 15th for super cheap. Money saver!

2) You can focus on others around you.

       There are other people in your life who could use some love. For me, I have 2 amazing roommates that I could easily show love to. That could even mean the littlest thing as sending cute little memes/GIFs, or just spending quality time together. Back when I lived in the dorms, me and Felisha (who has been my roommate for a little over 5 years) used to just have a movie marathon, usually Scream, while eating dinner. It was super fun and required nothing but quality friendship. We even buy each other cute little things that remind us of each other sometimes when we're out. It's the little things in life that make it better. But there's not just roommates. I also try to get stuff for my dad and grandparents. One year I made my "famous" peanut butter cookies for everyone. My family and friends didn't care about getting anything, but they appreciated that I took the time out to do a little something. Another thing that they appreciate, especially now that I don't live at home, is when I call and catch them up on my life. But to be fair, I don't call as much as I used to anyways, mostly because I hate talking on the phone, so it's a special treat when I actually take time out to call.

3) You can practice self love.
     I'll admit that this one is something I haven't focused on as much until the past year. But I've learned that I can't show love to someone else if I don't show love to myself. This one is definitely easier said than done. But I've learned that by treating myself with a new haircut or hair color every now and then, I'm much happier with how I think of myself. Recently, I dyed my hair red, and I LOVE it! I have so much more confidence because I personally like how I look. Yes, I get tons of compliments, but that's not a bad thing either. Self love can also come in the form of buying yourself something you've been wanting for a while, or taking time out to just do things you like doing. You could watch your favorite movie/show, make your favorite meal, read a book that's been on your must-read list for a while, or listen to music that puts you in a good mood. For a more V-day themed idea, you could have a personal "spa" day filled with face masks, bubble baths, and wearing your pajamas and robe all day. Do things that you enjoy and that make you feel good, aka show yourself love for once. It's the perfect day to do so!

4) You can choose whether to celebrate or not.

     For the pessimists who hate this holiday, single or not, you can choose not to celebrate. It's as easy at that! February 14th is just another day in the calendar. Just because the world recognizes it as a national holiday, doesn't mean you have to. Honestly, why does there need to be a day focused on showing love? Shouldn't you do that everyday anyways?

Boom! There you have it folks! I know they're not mind-blowing ideas, but what is an original idea anymore? TBH, I didn't actually have this mindset until this year. In the previous years, I've acted like I was fine with being single, while actually being super sad and lonely for not having a Valentine. But this year it's different. If it happens, it happens. Tomorrow I may not have this mindset, but that's a problem for tomorrow. Today, I am here to say that I won't let Valentine's Day get me down. If you're in the majority of singles who are feeling blue today, try out a new perspective. It definitely helps! Happy February 14th!

Live for God & Love for Music!
-Patience 💓😁